Lyrics! Lyrics!! Lyrics!!! Only for song Addicts
12:01 PM
Netroid Zone
Here we go guys, Today Im gonna prsent you an amazing software called MINI LYRICS.
What thehell is this thing???? Let me to give a short description about this amazing software.
This is a lyric plug-in for iTunes, Winamp, and Windows Media Player. It will download and display lyrics automatically, you can catch every word. MiniLyrics can save lyrics in mp3 files.
You can view lyrics on iPod touch or iPhone. MiniLyrics can display lyrics in Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes, Zune, Foobar2000, Songbird, Spotify, MediaMonkey, VLC Media Player, Quintessential Player, The KMPlayer, JetAudio, AIMP2, J. River Media Jukebox, J. River Media Center, XMPlay, Helium Music Manager, AlbumPlayer, Silverjuke, BSPlayer, Yahoo Music Engine, and RealPlayer.
Look at how this shows the lyrics when Im on FB.
Ok. Lets download this.. Click here..