Lets Find our phone is Original or not.
Lets Find out our phone is Original or not.
I think all of you are using a mobile phone. Arent you??? :D
But all of you dont know that your phone is Original, Durability and made/assembled country. All of you are only accepting what the phone dealer says.. Arent you???
Ok, now Im gonna help you on this. Lets see how to find all of the above.
*First, dial *#06# on your key pad
This will show the international mobile equipment identity number. This is not a local one. But international. This varies phone to phone.
*Step two - Check the 7th and 8th number of the shown number. If you cant understand this, look below.
**** 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15
Serial Number - X-X-X-X-X-X-?-?-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
If those two numbers falls between 02 - 20,
That means it was assembled in UAE and the quality is too low..
08 - 80
Phone is assembled in Germany.. In normal condition. But not much good.
Assembled in Finland. Has a very good condition
This means your phone is 100% original.
Assembled by Azerbaijan. Null quality and harmful to use and for health.
More details....
30 = Korea or 03
40 = China or 04
50 = Brazil, USA, Finland or 05
60 = HK, China, Mexico or 06
70 = Finland or 07
91 = Finland or 19
I hope you got an Idea on this.
See yaou later.......................