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Dark Tourist... High Quality Movie

Hello Again,

Here, I m now presenting you an another great movie.

Another great Horror movie ...

This runs about 1 hour and 24 minutes.

This was released on 23rd of August, 2013...

Lets see whats happening on this movie...

Suri Krishnamma’s “Dark Tourist” takes an effectively unpleasant trip down the lost highway of a morbid mind before its bad choices start catching up with it.

A brooding night watchman named Jim is a fan of grisly true crime, rubbernecking at murder sites after the fact. When he curses people with slurs in his simmering voice-over, we realize he might be a bit aggressive, but the actual depth of his hostility emerges later.

Mr. Krishnamma’s film neatly sets up our loner with noir-lit nights alone and regular meals at a greasy spoon before sending him out on his macabre mission: a pilgrimage to the flyspeck town near the site of horrific killings years earlier. Jim lodges at a nearby fleabag motel next door to a prostitute, tells fibs to win the attention of a trusting waitress (Melanie Griffith) and begins to see visions of the man responsible for those massacres (Pruitt Taylor Vince).

The details of Jim’s decline would fit a case study in a manual of deviant psychology, yet Mr. Cudlitz’s brooding and Mr. Krishnamma’s pacing make the eruption of violence hit with a shock, an unwelcome plunge into darkness. But Mr. Vince’s misjudged appearances and the showy staging of scenes with Ms. Griffith weaken the movie’s mood long before a voyeuristic coda that’s too clever by half.  

Lets see some screen shots...........

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