10 Things to Know Before Buying Web Hosting Package
Hello friends, well, Today our topic will cover all things which we should consider before taking any hosting package or plan. We have a lot of web hosting providers in internet marketing. So which should we choose? And why we should choose? These all topics will be cover in this post. I will tell you about what is web hosting? Why we need it? Which things before we should consider before taking it?
So this article is a full on package for those who want to be online and make his/her name in internet media.
What is webhosting?
It is like if we have content in our system and we have all programming in our system for webpage. But we do not have space on internet to show. Then what is the use of all material we have. So web hosting is simply a place to show all content on internet in simple language. Who provide us the support and place on internet is known as webhost. As I am a Linux student so I know how these web servers work. We have the programming and all material from the client and with his domain name and email address. We will just give an entry on our server main configuration files. It is as simple as that. But here we will not talk about technical terms more.
Why we need it?
Yes it is the main thing after knowing what the web host is. Now if we have website that we need a place on internet so we need it to show our content on internet.
If we want to install word press blog then we need web hosting plan.
If we want to establish any website then we need web hosting plan. Whether we have static website or Dynamic website? We need hosting on all cases.
Things to know before taking web hosting plan:
Reliability or Server Uptime:
if you have an online presence, you want to make sure that people can actually get there consistently. It means that if we are online and our server is down for some time. Then people can’t see our webpage and it will give bad impact. Our image will be down with this. So we should see the uptime first. It means that our website should not go down anyhow.
Customer Service:
Look for multiple methods for contacting customer service (phone, email, and chat) as well as online documentation for common issues. Yes customer service plays a major role in web hosting. Because some time you alone are not able to solve your problem so customer service will help you to solve this. They will solve your problem in minutes. Only you have to tell your problem to them and they will solve your problem. Problem can be related to your server time, ftp, or your control panel. If you are new you will get many problems so you need a customer service for this. So go with best customer service. Never go with bad one.
Server Space:
Does the hosting package include enough server space to hold your all the multimedia files
like images, videos, and audio files you plan to include in your website(if any). Because if you will do not have enough space to hold your data then it is very bad for you in future. You will not able to store your more data online. So go for the more server space or you can say disk space.
Does the hosting include enough bandwidth so that all the people visiting your site and downloading files can do so without pay extra. It also deals with your traffic. If you have more traffic then you need more bandwidth. So always go with more bandwidth. We can also see this with the example of elephants in the river. Here I have Compare River with bandwidth and elephants with traffic. If we have river to for the 10 elephants how 100 or 1000 elephants can go in it. So if we have big river then 10,100, 1000 or whatever elephants there they can go in river.
Domain name purchase and management:
Always see the web host is giving the domain name purchase service or not. Because if web host is not giving this service. Then do not go for it. Because then you have to purchase domain for different domain registration company which is very time consuming and very difficult and costly as well.
Setup fee: setup fee is always free so do not pay extra for it.
Price: Do not pay over price for hosting, you will see a wide range of process offers and should immediately wonder “what is the difference?
Often the difference has little to do with the quality of the server and service and everything to do with company overhead and what the company thinks they can get away with charging people. A good rule of thumb is that if you are paying more than 75$ per year for basic hosting package and domain name, you are probably paying too much.
Often the difference has little to do with the quality of the server and service and everything to do with company overhead and what the company thinks they can get away with charging people. A good rule of thumb is that if you are paying more than 75$ per year for basic hosting package and domain name, you are probably paying too much.
Security: Always take this on first priority. If your website and server is no secure any hacker can hack your personal details and all secure data from your server. So never play with it. I know if something will loss one company can loss millions of $$$ in seconds. So always prefer secure web host.
Installed and Pre-installed scripts: your web host should give you installed and pre installed scripts to you.
Extra Features: it should contain extra features. Here we are talking about DNS and other services.
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